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美国VICI通用色谱 两通 三通 四通 等配件


美国VICI通用色谱 两通 三通 四通 等配件
用于色谱分析的Valco配件通常是压紧配件, 随着螺母的拧紧,压环被压紧到管路上。为GC、HPLC和UHPLC中的高压应用提供了理想的稳定性和可靠性。


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美国VICI通用色谱 两通 三通 四通 等配件

1、Microvolume Connectors--微体积连接器




2.1 Internal unions--内螺纹直通



2.2 External unions--外螺纹直通/两通

Standard External Unions --1/8" Tubing OD

2.3  Unions - External/Internal 直通 外螺纹/内螺纹

Standard external/internal unions 


  内径 订货号
1/16" 0.25 mm EZU1C
0.50 mm EZU1M
0.75 mm EZU1
1/16" EZU1T

* Unions for 1/32" and 1/8" tubing available as special-order items.

Bulkhead External/Internal Unions

The "Hole" heading in the table below refers to the size of the hole required for mounting the union through a bulkhead or panel.

外径 内径 Hole 订货号
1/16" 0.25 mm 5/16" EZBU1C
0.50 mm 5/16" EZBU1M
0.75 mm 5/16" EZBU1
1/16" 5/16" EZBU1T


2.4  1/32" External Union 


3、Reducing Unions - Internal变径直通-内螺纹

Standard internal reducing unions

Tubing OD Bore Product No
1/16" to 1/32" 0.15 mm ZRU1.5XC
0.25 mm ZRU1.5
0.50 mm ZRU1.5L
1/32" ZRU1.5T
1/8" to 1/16" 0.25 mm ZRU21C
0.75 mm ZRU21
1/16" ZRU21T
1/4" to 1/16" 0.25 mm ZRU41C*
0.75 mm ZRU41*
1/16" ZRU41T

* Available as a special-order item.
  1/8" to 1/32" and 1/4" to 1/8" also available on special order.

Bulkhead internal reducing unions

The "Hole" heading in the table below refers to the size of the hole required for mounting the union through a bulkhead or panel.

Tubing OD Bore Hole Product No
1/16" to 1/32" 0.25 mm 5/16" ZBRU1.5
0.50 mm 5/16" ZBRU1.5L*
1/32" 5/16" ZBRU1.5T*
1/8" to 1/16" 0.25 mm 5/16" ZBRU21C*
0.75 mm 5/16" ZBRU21
1/16" 5/16" ZBRU21T
1/4" to 1/8" 0.75 mm 5/8" ZBRU42*
2.0 mm 5/8" ZBRU42L
1/8" 5/8" ZBRU42T*

* Available as a special-order item.
  1/8" to 1/32" and 1/4" to 1/16" also available on special order.

4、Reducing Unions - External变径直通-外螺纹

Standard External Reducing Unions

Tubing OD Bore Product No
1/8" to 1/16" 0.75 mm ERU21
1/16" ERU21T


5、Reducing Unions - External/Internal变径直通-外螺纹/内螺纹


Standard external/internal reducing unions

Tubing OD Bore Product No
1/8" to 1/16" 0.25 mm EZRU21C*
0.75 mm EZRU21
1/16" EZRU21T*
1/4" to 1/16" 0.25 mm EZRU41C*
0.75 mm EZRU41
1/16" EZRU41T*

* Available as a special-order item.
  Also available: 1/16" to 1/32", 1/8" to 1/32", and 1/4" to 1/8"

Bulkhead external/internal reducing unions

The "Hole" heading in the table below refers to the size of the hole required for mounting the union through a bulkhead or panel.

Tubing OD Bore Hole Product No
1/8" to 1/16" 0.75 mm 5/16" EZBRU21
1/16" 5/16" EZBRU21T

* Available as a special-order item.
  Also available: 1/16" to 1/32", 1/8" to 1/32", 1/4" to 1/8", and 1/4" to 1/16"


Standard internal/external reducing union

Description Bore Product No
1/16" internal to 1/32" external reducing union 0.25 mm EZRU.51
0.50 mm EZRU.51L
1/32" EZRU.51T
  For tubing OD:  
1/32" FS adapters
(pkg. of 5)
≤ 0.20 mm FS.2-5
0.20 mm ≤ 0.25 mm FS.25-5
0.25 mm ≤ 0.36 mm FS.36-5
0.36 mm ≤ 0.40 mm FS.4-5
0.40 mm ≤ 0.50 mm FS.5-5
0.50 mm ≤ 0.80 mm ZF.5V-5

Bulkhead internal/external reducing unions

The "Hole" heading in the table below refers to the size of the hole required for mounting the union through a bulkhead or panel.

Description Bore Hole Product No
1/16" internal to 1/32" external reducing union, bulkhead version 0.25 mm 5/16" EZBRU.51
0.50 mm 5/16" EZBRU.51L
1/32" 5/16" EZBRU.51T
  For tubing OD:  
1/32" FS adapters
(pkg. of 5)
≤ 0.20 mm FS.2-5
0.20 mm ≤ 0.25 mm FS.25-5
0.25 mm ≤ 0.36 mm FS.36-5
0.36 mm ≤ 0.40 mm FS.4-5
0.40 mm ≤ 0.50 mm FS.5-5
0.50 mm ≤ 0.80 mm ZF.5V-5

